Spicy Soy Sauce Eggs (Shoyu Tamago)
Cook Time: 7 minutes
Spiciness Level: 2/7
This is a recipe that won’t eggs-haust you.
- 1 Pot Water
- 8 Large Eggs
- 3/4 cup Tamari
- 2 Tbsp Rice Wine Vinegar
- 1 Tbsp Sola (or other sugar replacement)
- 1/2 tsp Habanero powder
- Gather your ingredients. Look at your eggs. That's all for this step, just look at them.
- Place a pot of water on the stove and turn to high heat. You don't want to have to scramble around for one later.
- In a bowl, mix together all items minus your eggs and water. Set the bowl to the side.
- Once your water is boiling, place the eggs inside the bowl GENTLY. Please don't throw them in. Eggcellent. Prepare an ice bath for your eggs and set it to the side.
- Boil your eggs for 6 minutes and 30 to 60 seconds. These last 30 seconds are a mystery, so we tend to err on the lower side, like 40ish.
- Place your eggs into the ice bath to lock them in cyrostasis in preparation for launching into space.
- Once your eggs have had a chance to cool, peel those shells off and gently plop them into the bowl of liquid mix you made earlier.
- With all eggs now in the bowl with liquids in it, cover the bowl and place in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours.
- Remove the bowl from the fridge and gasp quietly at your eggs. Magic! They are now a different color.
- Remove the eggs from the liquid and place them into another container, or eat them on the spot. If placing back in the refrigerator, they will keep for 2 weeks or so.
- Use your eggs however you want. In ramen, as a side dish, with hot sauce, whateva.
This versatile lil’ eggy boi is amazingly delicious. I was a bit skeptical at first, but the outer edges soak up the soy sauce well and then the soft-boiled innards are such a tasty consistency that I had to keep myself from eating all of these in one sitting.
The recipe is pretty simple overall, mix the ingredients together, set to the side, then boil your eggs for the proper amount of time. Then you let time do its thing and pow! You’ve got eggs. But let’s slow down and look at the full process.

This is very eggciting.
We try to do recipes as low-carb as possible, so while most folks use sugar in the marinade (can you call it a marinade if it’s not a meat?) but we opted for Sola, which comes in at 0g Net Carbs. Most folks also use soy sauce for this recipe, but Tamari is typically thicker and in general is lower on the sodium scale than soy sauce. Tamari tends to be a more “natural” solution than soy sauce as well, thus the “organic,” “gluten free” claims on the bottle. That small vial in the middle is the secret ingredient for the “spicy” part of the eggs. It’s a couple ounces of Habanero powder, generated from last year’s habanero harvest, dehydrated then ground up. You can ratchet up the spiciness however you want, but habanero gives you a nice little kick without killing you.

Eggscuse me.
When placing your eggs into your liquids dish, be sure not to accidentally create an pent-egg-gram as to not unleash an egg demon within your household. Once unleashed, egg demons require an eggsecutioner to banish them back to shell.

Not what you eggspected?
The eggs will start to retain a darker color as they sit in the liquid, but don’t be scared, they’ve only become tastier.

Eggsellent handiwork by the Lady of the Farm
And there you have it. Cut them in half, slap em on some ramen, eat them whole. It doesn’t matter at this point, you’ve done the hard work!

Good amount of hot sauce, we think.
You can see the above eggs with some Follow Your Fart Serrano Garlic sauce on them. A great addition to these eggs.