About Fartley Farms
Fartley Farms is a small-batch, hand-crafted hot sauce maker based in Columbus, OH. Testing all sorts of heat ranges, Ron Fartley and his team of spicy experts work hard to ensure each bottle of hot sauce is as awesome as possible. With fun names and fresh flavors, you’re bound to find a sauce that fits your mood and your food.
Though we started selling in 2020, our spicy roots go back much further. Starting in the 1990s with the first taste of Crazy Jerry’s Mustard Gas Hot Sauce, we were hooked on making foods spicier. In 2016-ish we got our first packets of Carolina Reaper seeds, built some raised beds and snagged some other pepper varieties. When you’ve got a garden full of peppers you have to figure out what you’re going to do with all of them and thus Fartley Farms was born.

Our current logo.
That year our sauces were the “singe off your eyebrows when you open the cap” kind of hot and were pretty much just peppers, vinegar and a dash of salt. From there we started to refine our ratios, added more flavors and spices, and worked with over 50 different pepper varieties to find those that we liked best.
Whether it be a new sauce type or an additional raised planter, Ron is always trying something new to add to the collection. Living in Ohio is a climate unfit for the finest of peppers, yet each year Fartley Farms works tirelessly to raise, ripen and reap the best and brightest peppers. From tiny tabascos to gigantic golden ghosts, there’s not a pepper we won’t try.
If you’re looking for your one-stop shop for recipes of all varieties, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t see a recipe you like? Send ol’ Ron a suggestion and he’ll put it in the hopper for the next batch.

The second logo we ever created.
Want the latest? Keep an eye out on our Instagram feed or on Facebook. Until then we aim to be the number one spicy resource in Columbus, OH, guiding you through the spiciest dishes every Friday and figuring out who has the best corn dog in the city. Curious about something else? Let us know!
Featured in Stock & Barrel in Fall 2020 by 614 Now