Spicy Lion’s Mane Crab Cakes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Spiciness Level: 1/7
- 1 Pound Lion’s mane mushrooms, finely diced or hand shredded
- 1 Cup Red onion, finely diced
- 6 Cloves Garlic, finely diced
- 1/4-1/2 Cup Sweet pepper, finely diced
- 3/4 Cup Panko breadcrumbs
- 2 Large eggs, beaten
- 1.5 Tbsp Dried parsley
- 3/4 Tbsp Pink Himalayan salt
- 1 Tbsp Butter (will use additional butter in pan for cooking)
- 1 Tbsp Fartley Farms Farty in The USA (or sweet habanero sauce of preference)
- Gather and prep this odd assortment of ingredients and say a little prayer to the sauce gods.
- Get a small bit of oil warming on low in a large pan on the stove (I can tell you from experience that a medium size simply will not do and will make the process that’s about to happen exponentially longer).
- Plop your onions, peppers and mushrooms into the pan and sweat ‘em out for about 15 minutes. Maybe put on an 80’s aerobics video to motivate them. JAZZERCISE!
- Add in garlic and sweat 5 minutes more until the pan is void of the excess water.
- Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool for 20 minutes.
- Toss all of the other ingredients in with the mushroom mixture. Mix by hand like those mud pies you used to make on the sidewalk when you were 7.
- Form mixture into 8-10 cakes. The smaller they are, the quicker they will cook. Sometimes it be like that.
- Here comes the fun and the reason for the extended cook and prep times. MAKE A PRACTICE CAKE! Add butter to a pan on low-med heat and cook cakes for about 5 minutes per side.
- Cook the remaining cakes and serve with lemon wedges and some more sauce or a nice aioli if you wish.
It should come as no surprise that we like meat. I mean come on, hot sauce is synonymous with chicken wings for most people. I promise we will get you carnivores back to your regularly scheduled recipes after a brief message from this imposter. I’m talking “crab” cakes. Oh and one more wrench in your thought process, this recipe has no crab in it *GASP*. Let us learn you…….

The quarantine goods.
After getting a delivery from the local mushroom guru yesterday I found myself asking the age old question “what the heck is that?”. As I stared at the fuzzy looking weirdo in the clear container I knew that I must put on my google cape!

Lions mane mushrooms from @thatmushroomguyohio
These fungi are wild. Looking like a strange koosh ball at first glance these, to my surprise, resemble the texture of crab or lobster meat. So it was decided. To the lab!

Mushrooms, onions and peppers getting physical.
The most important step to this whole process is sweating (Pictured above) the ingredients properly. It will save you a lot of time trying to adjust for wetness and crumbly cakes later on.

Formed cakes.
Making sure that your cakes aren’t too large will make for easier spatch maneuvering and I can’t stress this enough, MAKE A TEST CAKE! Only proceed to the final boss level once you’ve achieved a cake that doesnt fall apart as soon as it hits the pan. Unless you’re going for more of a stuffing vibe, if that’s the case then vibe on you spicy innovators.

Farty in the USA
These were a super basic version of the cakes and the full potential has yet to be tapped. The flavor was sweet with a little zing, will definitely be trying it out with bolder sauces to really get that heat to translate to your tastebuds. As always this recipes is completely customizable as long as you remember to adjust for moisture levels. More hot sauce? Less butter or more breadcrumbs. Spicy seasoning instead of sauce? More butter.
Whatever way you choose to get your cook on, keep it spicy friends.
Recipe inspired and adapted from Tyrant Farms
Beautiful forest beasts from That Mushroom Guy