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MA Wartryx

The shape of the MA Wartryx pods are definitely interesting. It’s almost like a bell with a bit of a tail, not a stinger though. As if 2016, the pods were still pretty unstable, so it’s unknown what we’ll get with it, but likely that it’s a bit of a ghost pepper and a bit of a reaper.

Pepper Diaries described the MA Wartryx as “an asshole” saying it’s a bit bitter, less fruity than most along the same lines, but the heat exists toward the back of the throat, similar to a habanero or scotch bonnet.

Bohica Pepper Hut describes it as “”

In the name exists the hybrid creator, Matthew Arthur who crossed a Trinidad Scorpion, a 7 pot Jonah and an Ubatuba Cambucci to create this gnarly pepper.

History of the MA Wartryx

Khang Starr discussed the MA Wartryx in 2016 when he first grew it.

Cultivars of the MA Wartryx

  • Skunk Red (a cross between the MA Wartryx and the 7 Pot CARDI strain)

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